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Online Study Visit in Spain

NEWS | Online Study Visit in Spain

On September 14, the Chamber of Terrassa organized the third Study Visit of the CVETNET project in which experts from the sector of its organization participated, as well as other project partners such as the Spanish Chamber of Commerce.

The main objective of the study visit was to present the relationships between the chamber network and the European public funding. Throughout the Study Visit, the speakers introduced the main concepts to consider when participating in European projects and the main experiences of the Chamber of Spain and the Chamber of Terrassa in this field. 

Firstly, Carmen Ayllón, member of the CVETNET consortium and head of transnational projects in the Chamber of Spain, offered a global vision of the relations between the national Chamber and the chamber network, as well as their link with the European funds.

The role of the Chamber of Spain is to design and collaborate with the chambers of the national network connecting them with partners abroad and introducing new opportunities. One of the main aspects that must be consider when creating a new consortium are the strategic priorities of each organization since it should be ensured that the project objectives are together  aligned.

Once the relationship between the consortium partners is established, they must address to the funds that best suit the priority of the project and each of its organizations.

Secondly, the Chamber of Terrassa counted on the collaboration of Carles Giner and Sylvia Herrera  and Sonia Pérez who presented three of the programs that are being executed by their chamber through European funds, whose objective is strengthen SMEs in terms of digitalization and generationally. The programs presented were:

TICCÁMARAS: The program supports SMEs through the development of a digital marketing plan (SEO, SEM, email marketing, web development, content marketing, Social Media). Consultants’ advice SMEs to take advantage of the business opportunities Internet offers.

Ticcamaras is a two-phase program.During the first phase, a diagnosis of the digital situation of the company is developed together with proposals and recommendations. The implementation comes in the second phase with the support of the supplier and the supervision of the chamber of commerce.

ACELERA PYME: The Secretary of State for Digitalization and Artificial Intelligence- and the Spanish Chamber of Commerce have launched a collaboration agreement for the creation of 60 Acelera Pyme Offices in the Chambers of Commerce Network. The objective of this agreement is to promote the digital transformation of small and medium-sized enterprises, micro-SMEs, self-employed and entrepreneurs over the next two years.

There are two types of personalized advice and support for companies: Support to SMEs and self-employed in their digitalization process and support to technological SMEs.

PLATÓ: This programme seeks to promote the Peer-Learning among directors of different companies with the aim of interchanging knowledge and expertise, analyse the business trends, ideas and opinion sharing and reinforce the networking.

As a conclusion of the Study Visit, the participants of the event completed a mural on the key points of the relationship of their organizations with European funding. The conclusions can be found in the following image:

sv cvetnet