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Pilot tests related to the elaboration of SMEs training pathways are about to start in Bulgaria

NEWS | Pilot tests related to the elaboration of SMEs training pathways are about to start in Bulgaria

The Bulgarian Chamber of Commerce and Industry /BCCI/, together with the Regional Chamber of Commerce and industry Dobrich, and the German-Bulgarian Chamber of Industry and Commerce will soon initiate a pilot programme for SMEs, based on the goals set in the CVETNET project. Inferred from the current Covid-19 situation, the format of the pilots will be on-line.

The Bulgarian partners will have to elaborate 40 training pathways for SMEs employees who needs to be reskilled or upskilled in the fields of the digital transformation and intergenerational learning.

The pilots will undergo a series of interviews which will identify the possible critical skill deficiencies of the interviewees. The main topics that will be covered during the on-line interviews are the employees’ competences in digital skills, knowledge, literacy, etc.

The SMEs employees will also fill in a self-evaluation questionnaire where they should give a real estimation on their current digital qualifications level. The target groups are all SMEs that want to optimize their digital processes.

It will be, after all, a task of the Bulgarian partners and the project consortium to elaborate a learning pathway report which will indicate what is the current state and what would be the aspired state of the employees interviewed, related to the reskilling and the upskilling process.

Next steps

The interviews will be accompanied by the so-called train-the-trainers seminar during which the implemented project activities will be presented. The training event will provide information about the organized pilot programme in all the countries, specifics, elaborated training pathways, identified critical gaps in the digital transformation, recommendation for improving the current state-of-the-art and other important information. On top of that, the participants will be acquainted with an E-learning guide for trainers and interesting online digital tools which will support the business SME’s business processes.