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Identification and development of competences in the context of industry 4.0 trends

NEWS | Identification and development of competences in the context of industry 4.0 trends

Rapid changes in the labour market, mismatches in the supply and demand of qualifications raise the need to identify and define new competences. Otherwise, the lack of the necessary skills in terms of economic development and employment can have a number of adverse socio-economic impacts.

The European Commission's new Skills Programme for Europe calls on the Member States, social partners, industry and other stakeholders to work together to identify skills, improve the quality and relevance of their creation and development.

Understanding current and future labour market demand helps formulate a strategy for the development of competences, a sectoral focus on retraining the existing workforce, as well as the objectives and content of initial vocational education and training. Relevant information on the labour market, current and future needs supports both individual decision-making on educational and professional careers as well as career guidance services.

The Chamber of Commerce of the Czech Republic contributes to the adaptation of the labour market to changes related to the introduction of Industry 4.0. Together with the Confederation of Industry and Transport of the Czech Republic and Trexima, it implements a public contract aimed at mapping future competences within the project from COMPETENCE 4.0. The aim of our activities is to create a tool for mapping future competences, updating the Central Database of Competences of the National System of Occupations, from which the National Qualifications System also draws.