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Internal communication improvement in intergenerational teams

EVENTS | Internal communication improvement in intergenerational teams

Transactional analysis is a tool that facilitates the understanding of communication dynamics since awareness and the use of strategies facilitates an improvement in relationships. Due to the intergenerational diversity in different departments, it facilitates the exchange of points of view and take advantage of the benefits of the generational diversity.

Reverse is a methodology that responds to the need of SMEs to adapt to a new environment based on digital transformation and the plurality of new generations that have been incorporated recently.


9:30h Welcome and presentation

9:40h Transactional analysis

  • What is transactional analysis?
  • How do we communicate? The PAN model of transactional analysis.
  • The different transactions in communication.
  • How is this model applicable to intergenerational relationships?
  • Some strategies that offers the improvement of our communication.

10:35h Reverse Mentoring Methodology

10:55 h Closing



Gemma Massoni, Director-Founder Equip Kòneksi. Degree in Psychology and Master in HR Management from EAE (2005). Trainer, and facilitator of Transformation processes in the business and organizational field.

Noèlia Gòmez, Training technician at the Chamber of Commerce of Terrassa. Degree in Business Administration and Management and Postgraduate in Executive and Personal Coaching.